(808) 369-1620

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Foster Care Options

Medicaid Recipients Accepted  |  Same-Day Admissions  |  Free Consultation

Reliable Foster Care Options for Your Loved Ones

Looking for a foster care home for a relative who needs special care? Turn to Kina’ole Case Management for attentive, dedicated foster care. We’re a reliable foster care placement agency that aims to find the right foster home for our patients and provide them with the proper care and services they need.

Our services include:

  • Foster home and care home transitioning
  • Foster home placement consultations
  • Finding excellent caregivers for long-term care
Trust us to help our patients and their families transition to this new phase of their lives and continue to thrive, wherever they are. Expect a quick response to referrals. We offer same-day admissions.

Choose Us for Exceptional Adult Foster Care Placements

Kina’ole Case Management is operated by licensed and registered nurses. We provide case management services to individuals in community-care, foster-family homes as well as Medicaid recipients in expanded adult residential care homes. We are a locally owned foster care home!

 We work with community foster home caregivers all over the island who will be able to provide living accommodations and other related services to patients who require a foster home level of care.

We are a registered elderly foster care placement agency and offer onsite monthly visits when needed.

Why Choose Us

We believe in doing the right thing at the right time, for the right reason, for the right person, using the right way, the first time.

Request a Consultation

Fill out this short form and a Kina'ole Case Management representative will contact you within 2-3 business days. If you need immediate assistance, please call (808) 369-1620.